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Anarchism, a sure-fire failure?

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This weekend I had a chat with a friend anarchist who told me that the world would be better off with anarchism. And then I laughed, why?

Let's imagine for a moment that we no longer had any rules or laws. anarchy.

You're free to do what you want. Immediately, the most powerful, the richest would rule. Slavery, murder, war, corruption, violence ... .

The elderly, people in poor health, women and anarchists would be the first victims. In reaction to this, people would start to cooperate in groups to defend themselves, and set up rules within them.

Over time, these groups would gain the upper hand as a guarantee of stability. In the long term, cooperation is far more effective than competition, after all. And we'd end up back in a stable system with rules and laws.

Anarchy will have been just temporary, but will have brought much death and suffering. Anarchism is a guaranteed biblical failure, that's for sure!

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