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Why is the far right on the rise?

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Ah, that extreme right! Always shouting and scaring. Well, it's kind of the same thing with the left. Hard to choose, isn't it? But why does the extreme right actually rise?

Simply because people aren't happy with the current situation. Personally, waving a Palestinian flag, building mixed-sex toilets everywhere and telling myself that I'm an advantaged white cisgender male so I have to accept everything doesn't make me want to vote for the left. It's quite the opposite.

It doesn't answer any of my problems or fears. Yes, because we all have problems and fears, it's normal and natural. And we want to solve these problems and fears as a priority. And that's why the far right is on the rise, because they're responding to problems and fears that are very much there.

But are their solutions any good? That's another question, and I'll let you judge for yourself! This is a free world after all ( ;

In the end, the most important thing is to vote intelligently according to what you need, without bias! Whether it's the left or the right, a good idea is still a good idea, and a shitty idea is still... you get the idea!

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